Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki


A War Policy is an emphasis in a particular military area by your nation. Each War Policy provides a different benefit to your military. There are 10 different options which, used correctly, can be powerful tools for your wars.

Depending on your DEFCON level and nation/army structure (as well as this of your opponents) you should change your War Policy. You can change your War Policy at the "Edit" page under the "Nation" heading. You can only do this once every 60 turns (5 days), so be careful.

War Policies[]

In total, there are 10 War Policies. The pros and cons of all war policies as well as their counterparts are presented in the following table:

Icon Name Short Description Upside Downnside Counterpart
Bomb Attrition The policy of destruction. Your offensive Ground Battles, Airstrikes and Naval Battles do 10% more infrastructure damage. You receive 20% less loot in Ground Battles and from winning the war (this includes Victory and Alliance Bank loots). Turtle
Hard hat military Turtle The policy of minimizing damage taken. Infrastructure damage taken from Ground Battles, Airstrikes, and Naval Battles is decreased by 10%. You lose 20% more loot to attackers in Ground Battles and from losing the war (this includes Victory and Alliance Bank loots.) Attrition
Boxing glove Blitzkrieg The policy of rapid military conquest. For the first 12 turns (24 hours) after changing to this War Policy, your nation does 10% more infrastructure damage and casualties in Ground Battles, Airstrikes (casualties only apply to enemy aircraft, not units targeted), and Naval Battles. When declared war on, the attacker starts with an extra Military Action Point. Fortress
Stratocracy Fortress The policy of maximizing defensive capability. The number of Military Action Points that attackers start with is decreased by 1. When the nation is attacked, it also starts with 1 less Military Action Point. Blitzkrieg
Capitalist Moneybags The policy of protecting the nation's cash and resources. Loot stolen (including Victory and Alliance Bank loot) is decreased by 40%. The nation takes 5% more infrastructure damage. Pirate
Pirate flag Pirate The policy of maximizing loot stolen from other nations. The amount of loot stolen (including Victory and Alliance Bank loot) is increased by 40%. The nation has 2x chance to have improvements destroyed in Ground and Naval Battles. Moneybags
Chess tower Tactician The policy of targeting enemy improvements. The chance to destroy an enemy improvement in Ground and Naval Battles is doubled. When targeted with Espionage operations, the saboteur has a 15% greater chance of being successful. Guardian
User angel Guardian The policy of protecting improvements. Halves the chance of an opponent destroying an improvement in Ground and Naval Battles. The nation loses 20% more loot in Ground Battles (including Victory and Alliance Bank loot.) Tactician
Satellite dish Covert The policy of exceptional espionage capability. Increases the chances of offensive espionage operations being successful by 15%. Takes 5% more infrastructure damage in Ground Battles, Airstrikes, and Naval Battles. Arcane
Script text Arcane The policy of withholding state secrets and curbing the effects of enemy espionage. When targeted with Espionage operations, the saboteur has a 15% less chance of being successful. The nation takes 5% more infrastructure damage in Ground Battles, Airstrikes, and Naval Battles. Covert