Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki

Vanguard option 1(upscaled)
Flag of Vanguard

Alliancepage link={{{ingamemapURL}}} link={{{ingamemembersURL}}} Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded April 22, 2019
Headquarters North America
Color Black
Status Defunct
Commander In Chief
  • Simmons
  • Fleet Admiral Hood - Milcom
  • Robert E Lee - Econ
  • Coardten79 - Internal Affairs
  • JackRackham - Foreign Affairs
As of 20th July, 2019
Total Nations 24
Score 23,465.64
Average Score 977.74
Alliance Rank 61
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
Protectorate Acadia
MDoAP The Holy Grail
MDoAP The Resurgence
NAP The Originals

Vanguard was a black alliance founded on April 22, 2019. It has absolutely no relation to the previous alliance or block with the same name. We just like the name, and didn't look it up for whatever reason.

Later, on July 26, 2019 it was disbanded.

Vanguard was known by two other names: The American Imperium (TAI), and Holy Teutonic Order (HTO).

Discord Server https://discord.gg/azFA5sr

Anthem No Remorse - Metallica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xR-3jyHGfc


Vanguard was originally called The American Imperiam founded by Damon. After he resigned for irl reasons the government wanted to rebrand to something that they created, Holy Teutonic Order. Damon left leadership to Pastor Lee. Through a friendly coup Simmons became leader and Lee became econ. A few months later Ignis Aternum merged into us and we rebranded to Vanguard shortly after.

Eventually things went downhill for Vanguard, then the members from Vanguard realized that we existed, and decided they wanted to attack, however, the govt found out this information first. Since things were bad anyway a fake coup was staged and Vanguard was disbanded. A few weeks later the members regrouped in The Regiment.
