Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
Roman Republic Flag

Summary of The Senate and People of Rome[]

The Senate and People of Rome is an alliance established for the protection and interest of its fellow states. Founded by Stonewall Jackson on the Ides of March 2015, It's headquarters Is the city of Rome located In Italy, Europe.

It Is a Republic fashioned alliance who's fellow statesmenn get to vote on Issues when presented with them.

Recent activity[]

On March 15th, 2015, Keyeador proposed a plan. The plan was that the alliance would invest their money in Keyeador, and once Keyeador grew in strength and power, it would repay its fellow nations and the end result would be a large boost of economic wealth for the alliance. Unfortunately, throughout the course of the plan, Keyeador received little help.

First, Semici once offered to invest 30,000 with an interest rate of 15%, and Keyeador later on accepted the offer. However, it late turned out that Semici had already spent all 30,000 dollars before Keyeador agreed to the terms, therefore the specific investment never occured.

Next, Skourbenium decided to give help. Skourbenium invested in Keyeador by giving away 300 tons of lead, an amazing investment.

Alliance Leaders[]

Throughout the history of the alliance, there have been many leaders. These leaders include but are not limited to:

  • Stonewall Jackson, of The Confederate States Of America
  • The People, of Truthia
  • Houston the III, of Zelapos
  • Keyes, of Kingdom Of Keyeador