Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
The Players

Flag of The Players

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers link={{{forumlink}}}
Basic Details
Headquarters North America
Color White
Status Defunct
Discord Server Join Here
CEO John Carono
Lead Developer vacant
Developer of FA Jessica Elizabeth II (currently inactive)
Developer of IA Carolus Rex
Developer of MA vacant
Developer of EA Lazaro I
Total Nations 5
Alliance Rank #171 of 330
Active Blocs
MDoAP The United Front
Active Treaties

The Players is a small alliance founded by John Carono on August 11th, 2019. Slowly, more members came to the alliance. The First was Jessica Elizabeth II, who became Developer of FA. The 2nd was Mao, who would eventually become the Heir. The 3rd was Carolus Rex, who became IA. The 4th was Lazaro I, who became EA.

Currently, The Players has 5 members.
