Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki


This alliance or a majority of its members reformed it as Germanische Imperiale Ordung on May 21, 2017.  More information is available here.

The Bloc Death

The Bloc Death Flag
Flag of The Bloc Death

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded March 27th, 2017
Headquarters Europe
Color Black
Status Defunct
Crazed Lobotomist: Ellio98
Defacto Head Doctor: Commissar Justin
Poster Slave: cslomb42
Insane Specialist: TheRza
Total Nations 18
Score 6,130.36
Average Score 340.58
Alliance Rank 55
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
ODP: The Fighting Pacifists
MDP The Royal Dragons

The Bloc Death was a black alliance founded on March 27th 2017. The alliance was founded by members from Bloc, another nation simulation game, who decided to move to Politics and War after being dissatisfied with the mediocre developer of Bloc. This alliance can be considered as the distant cousin to The Bloc Party. ON May 21, 2017 the alliance collapsed with most of its members reforming it as the Germanische Imperiale Ordung.


Formed a MDP with The Royal Dragons and a ODP with The Fighting Pacifists on the 11th April 2017.

Answered the call to war from The Fighting Pacifists against Cornerstone 14th April 2017.

External Links[]

Declaration of existence on the 17th of April, 2017
