Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
Solar Knights

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers link={{{forumlink}}}
Basic Details
Founded 01/01/2019
Headquarters South America
Color Pink
Status Defunct
Discord Server Join Here
Forgotten Father

First Sun

Devoted Children

As of 08/23/2020
Total Nations 18
Score 59,430.87
Average Score 3,01.72
Alliance Rank 51
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
MDoAP Strickland Propane
MDP Carthago


This alliance was annexed into The Legion.


'Welcome to Solar Knights, Get Your Vitamin D and Get Out'. KiWilliam


The Solar Knights is an alliance that was founded on January 1st 2019 through a merger with The Covenant and Nuclear Knights. Solar Knights is a alliance founded on January 1st 2019 via a merger between The Covenant and Nuclear Knights. Originally led by a triumvirate of Kings.Spongebob William Wallace and KiWilliam. The rest of the government positions were filled up with past officials from the previous two alliances. On formation Solar Knights had 36 members with an alliance rating of 19.

The Semi Coup of Frogstar[]

Early in June/July of 2019 The Solar Knights suffered a betrayal from one of their long serving governments members. He managed to kick everyone from the alliance and the discord except for the government, and ran off with the alliance bank. This hit the Solar Knights hard, prior to the betrayal they were cruising around at a score of 90k, the coup dropped them to around 60k as some members never returned. Following the coup the historic war of NPO's Last Time broke out, crippling the alliance further as they fought against the enemy with their brothers in arms.

The Great War and The Restructuring of The Alliance[]

Just prior to the Great War the governing structure for the Solar Knights was beginning to change. The original triumvirate of leaders was crumbling, Sponge would come and go and quite often disappear for months without any reason to why, and William was beginning to q uestion whether he wanted to actually play the game or not. As such KiWilliam was left in a position of ultimate power as the one true King, he promoted Snjar Dreki to heir to help manage the alliance and that was that. Not long after on October the 2nd 2019 the Solar Knights along with their friends in the Citadel bloc rushed into the war, tactically this was a mistake as no one inside the bloc was at full fighting capacity yet they continued to push forward against the enemy.

The war would be a great detriment to the alliance, its members starting to waver and quit as it dragged on for an obscene amount of time. The leadership group kept hopeful that peace could be achieved, discussions always seemed to be in place between the two sides, yet neither would accept the demands of surrender or offer fair demands of surrender. as such everyone in Orbis continued to suffer until the cheating scandal that rocked the New Pacific Order on the 5th of February 2020.

The war had demolished the alliance, they had fallen all the way to 20k and with only 10 members left it looked like they were done for. Yet they persisted and got to work on rebuilding, for now the Solar knights are still trying to claw their way back up the alliance ranks, their score keeps steadily climbing and new members are starting to come in.


Date News Alliances Refs
January 6th 2019 Declaration Of Existence
Ref 1
April 16th 2019 Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact Black Knights Ref 1
May 2nd 2019 Mutual Defense Pact Carthago Ref 1

May 7th 2019 Mutual Defense Pact Afrika Korps Ref 1

June 10th 2019 Formation Of The Citadel Bloc
Ref 1
June 18th 2019 Declaration Of War Against KETOG/Chaos coalition
February 6th 2020 Solar Knights and Yakuza Secure White Peace War is over against the KETOG/Chaos coalition Ref 1


Conflict Allies Versus Duration Result Refs
NPO's Last Time Coalition B KETOG/Chaos coalition June 17 2019 - Feb 20 2020 White Peace War 1

War 2 War 3 Peace


Alliance Alliance Flag Treaty Type Duration Remaining Refs
Strickland Propane Strickland Propane Flag MDoAP 5.9 Months None
Carthago Carthago Flag MDP 1.4 Months None

Past Treaties[]

Alliance Alliance Flag Treaty Type
Yakuza Japan 4 MDoAP
Camelot Camelot Flag ODoAP
Caledonia Highlandia Protectorate
micro pockyclypse
Lotus Seal
Citadel Bloc Citadel Flag MDoAP