Politics and War Wiki


This alliance merged with Rise of the Undead Mob and Vox Populi (2nd) to form Bad Company on December 28, 2017.  More information is available here.


R&R Flag
Flag of R&R

Alliancepage link={{{ingamemapURL}}} Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded 27 September, 2016
Headquarters North America
Color Orange
Status Defunct
President DemonSpawn
Ministers Dreadnought, Sojourner
As of 1 December, 2017
Total Nations 20
Score 40000+
Average Score 2000+
Alliance Rank 38
Active Blocs
MDoAP Bloc Bad Company
Active Treaties
ODoAP Ragnarok
NAP Order of the White Rose
NAP House Stark
MnDoAP The Knights Radiant
MnDoAP Rise of the Undead Mob

R&R was a small orange alliance founded on September 26, 2016. It was a reformation of the first R&R alliance which had disbanded a month prior.

Foreign Relations[]

Protectorate with the Black Knights[]

The second R&R became a protectorate of the Black Knights after its reformation.

Alliance Advertisements[]

In-game advertisements used by the alliance for recruitment, propaganda or other purposes:
