Politics and War Wiki


This alliance merged with The Greater Unitary Republic to form Federated States of Orbis on 12 August, 2021.

Organization of Free Nations

Flag of Organization of Free Nations

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Basic Details
Founded 07/062021
Status Defunct
As of 23/07/2021
Total Nations 4
Average Score 1,273.47
Alliance Rank 66
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
Protectorate Soldiers of Liberty
Protectorate The Greater Unitary Republic
ODP Grand Imperial Federation
ODP United Ummah
' Las Vegas
' The Elites

Vowing once to new return back to the dark days of Atom, The Organization of Free Nations was an alliance that based it's founding principles and government on Democracy and individual rights. Founded in June 7th as a breakaway state of the now rump Convent of Atom, the OFN consisted of 32 original exiles from the Church of Atom, with 3 members merging from Taryagen, and 12 more joining the alliance over the course of it's 2 month existence. The alliance was dissolved and rendered defunct in 8/12/21 after it's merge with The Greater Unitary Republic to form the Federated States of Orbis.
