Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
Orbis Peace Bloc

Orbis Peace Organization
Orbis Peace Organization Flag
Guns N Roses
Guns N Roses Flag
The Fallen Angels of Orbis
The Fallen Angels of Orbis Flag
The Shrekolytes
The Shrekolytes Flag
The Paladin
European Union Flag
Mercenaries of Orbis

Treaty Type: MDoAP Bloc
Treaty Signed: July 2023

Orbis Peace Bloc was an MDoAP bloc formed by Orbis Peace Organization, Guns N Roses, The Fallen Angels of Orbis, The Shrekolytes, The Paladin, and Mercenaries of Orbis.

The bloc was formed by The Shrekolytes, OPO, GNR, and The Paladin as a part of the larger Nugget Coalition in July of 2023. After the OPO revolution, several splinter alliances broke off of OPO- FAO and NON were the largest, but EDP also split off and MOO split off later. FAO and MOO both remained in the OPB, whilst NoN remained under OPO protection and EDP was largely reabsorbed into OPO. NoN is no longer associated with this bloc. As of this edit, the bloc has been disbanded.
