Politics and War Wiki

This endpoint is deprecated and planned to potentially be removed by December 2023. It is recommended to switch to v3 of the API.


The Nations API provides a listing of every nation that currently exists along with some basic information.

  • Nations are listed by rank from highest to lowest.
  • This api even minified is extremely large & has lengthy parse times.

Access URL[]

There are a few restrictions that can be employed through the URL. These restrictions allow you to include Vacation Mode nations if you choose, set a minimum and/or maximum score threshold, and filter to a single alliance.

The Nations API can be accessed at these urls:

baseurl/nations/?key={api key}
baseurl/nations/?key={api key}&vm=true
baseurl/nations/?key={api key}&min_score={score}
baseurl/nations/?key={api key}&max_score={score}
baseurl/nations/?key={api key}&alliance_id={alliance id}

The Nations API can also be accessed through a combination of these flags, using the & operator to concatenate restrictions. Below is one example of all restrictions being employed, but it is not necessary to use all URL restrictions if you don't want to.

baseurl/nations/?key={api key}&vm=true&min_score=X&max_score=Y&alliance_id=Z

Returned JSON[]

  • The Nations API is structured as an array 'Nations' with each array element being an object representing a single nation.
    "nations": [
        // a bunch of nations
            'nationid': 123224, 
            'nation': 'United States of Israel', 
            'leader': 'Obama Bin Laden', 
            'continent': 'North America', 
            'war_policy': 'Covert', 
            'color': 'gray', 
            'alliance': 'None', 
            'allianceid': 0, 
            'allianceposition': 0, 
            'cities': 1, 
            'infrastructure': 0.17, 
            'offensivewars': 0, 
            'defensivewars': 0, 
            'score': 0, 
            'rank': 12945, 
            'vacmode': 1419, 
            'minutessinceactive': 219385}
        // even more nations