Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki


This alliance merged with The North Western South Region of the Far East to form The Mandalorian Compass on 27th of June 2021.  (Note: Merged to form a new alliance)


Screenshot 20200923-204309
Flag of Mandalore

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Basic Details
Founded 23/05/2020
Status Disbanded
Mand`alor AgentCrew
Guardian of Mandalore King Felix
General of Mandalore None
Department of Defence Dragonitebos
State Affairs AgentCrew
Revenue King Felix
Foreign Relations AgentCrew, Zachton
As of 27/06/2021
Total Nations 25 (before merge)
Score 35,054.78 (before merge)
Average Score 1,402.19 (before merge)
Alliance Rank 78 (before merge)
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
MDoAP TheNorthWesternSouthRegionofthefareast
MDoAP The Greater Unitary Republic
PAIT Unforgiven Legion
Protectorate Almighty Corporation
NAP The Dominion

Created by 2 experienced members. One from Spartan Republic and the other from Ecotopian Imperial Federation. A few members of Spartan Republic joined the alliance after it was created.

Concord Dawn System was an extension of Mandalore.


28/06/20: Aurora preformed a mass raid on Mandalore, claiming Mandalore as an easy raid target. A couple of days later the situation was resolved.

18/07/20: Aurora launched another set of attacks on Mandalore. Days later the attacks ended after Aurora agreed to protect Mandalore.

Aurora Trinity War


Party in the Pantheon: 23/12/20 - 31/12/20: Mandalore assisted Pantheon in counters against Arrgh, TJest and Black Skies

World War Micro: 17/04/21: The Order & Prima Victoria declare raid wars on Mandalore. Compass, TGUR, UL & AC aided in counters. A day later white peace was agreed between The Order, Mandalore and Mandalore's allies. Days later the wars with Prima Victoria ended in mostly defeats for Mandalore.

End of and era:[]

On 27/06/2021, Mandalore began merging with Compass to form the merged alliance of The Mandalorian Compass, bringing an end to this version of Mandalore. Mandalore officially disbanded on the 3 July 2021.

*Treaties prior to the merge.
