Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
Legions of Venice

Sere Flag 2
Flag of Legions of Venice

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded 20th July 2019
Headquarters Europe
Color Brown
Status Disbanded
Discord Server Join Here
Doge BowShot118 [Toerana]
Reggente FA - John Taylor / Bill

Milcom - John Taylor / Bill

IA - BowShot

Eco - Namukara / GVH

Ministro FA - Yato / Demon

Milcom - Kevin

IA - Sammy / Stalin the 11th

Eco - Drunk Namukara / GVH

Bar - John Taylor / Bill

Centurion FA - Sammy / Stalin the 11th

Milcom - N/A

IA - N/A

As of 7th September
Total Nations 14 (1 VM)
Score 19,652.18
Average Score 1,511.71
Alliance Rank 65
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
MDoAP Deathly Hallows

Mandalorian Empire

ODaOP The Originals

Schrute Farms

The Immortals


The Manhattan Project

The Sons of Thunder

Protectorate Farkistan


Protector The Regiment

The Legions of Venice was the refounded form of the alliance of Serenissima after their Doge went inactive without explanation for a prolonged period of time.

Internal Politics[]

The Legions of Venice differs from Serenissima is many ways, such as the Doge's government is made up of multiple Regents (Heirs) as well as their Deputies, whom are the Ministers.

No. Doge Name Nation Reign
1. Morgan V Kattegat 2nd June 2019 - 20th July 2019
2. BowShot118 Toerana 20th July 2019 - Incumbent