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Politics and War Wiki


This alliance has disbanded as of Unknown Date.

Kingdom of Hyrule

Kingdom of Hyrule Flag
Flag of Kingdom of Hyrule

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded December 3, 2013
Headquarters Asia
Color Green
Status Defunct
King Britishdude
Duke of Internal Affairs Arbiter Verus
Duke of Foreign Affairs Nils
Duke of Military Tony7263
Duke of Economics Karel IV
Active Blocs
Active Treaties

The Kingdom of Hyrule was the sixth alliance founded during the pre-release. It remained a Zelda themed alliance until December 22, 2013. Their declaration of existence was posted on December 5th, 2013.[1]


Article I: Admission

Any nation that wishes to join the Kingdom of Hyrule (henceforth referred to as KoH) may do so providing they meet the following criteria unless the King or member of the Royal Council objects to their joining. The criteria are as follows:

  • The nation must not be involved in any active wars.
  • The nation must not be aiding or receiving aid from any nations at war.
  • The nation must not be on any alliance blacklists.

If an applying nation does not meet all of the above criteria they may not join until they do or until the King or a member of the Royal Council vouches for them.

Article II: Structure of the Kingdom A) Kokiri

  • Kokiri are the new kids on the block. This is the first stage most people go to upon admittance to the Kingdom of Hyrule. After they’ve completed their application process as outlined by the Duke of Internal Affairs they will be promoted to Hylians.

B) Hylians

  • The Hylians make up the majority of the Kingdom. Once they have completed the Royal Academy of the Kingdom they become Hylian and are responsible for their duties to the Kingdom. Any Hylian that fails to uphold his/her duties said citizen will be removed from the alliance unless they can provide a reasonable excuse as to why they haven’t upheld their duties.

C. Dukes

  1. The Dukes shall consist of the Duke of Internal Affairs, Duke of Foreign Affairs, and Duke of Defense.
  2. Dukes shall be appointed by the King, and serve as the leader of their respective departments.

D. The King

  1. The King is the overseer of the Dukes and also provides general direction for the Kingdom.
  2. The King during times considered “Emergencies” assumes full control of the alliance

Article III: Government

The Government of the Kingdom of Hyrule shall consist of the Royal Council and the King.

A) The Royal Council

  1. Duke of Internal Affairs:
    • The DoIA shall over see all matters of the Kingdom’s internal security. This includes solving disputes among Hylians, overseeing the Academy, helping new members get settled into the Kingdom, masking new members, recruitment, tech, trade, and the alliance bank.
  2. Duke of Foreign Affairs:
    • The DoFA shall over see all matters concerning Foreign Policy. This includes running the Diplomat Corps, masking foreign diplomats, proposing treaties, and being the Kingdom’s main representative outside of the Kingdom’s walls.
  3. Duke of Defense:
    • The DoD shall oversee the Kingdom’s overall security. This includes managing the Hylian Army, overseeing military training, tech raids, rogue/ghosts busts, and approving nuclear strikes.

B) The King:

  • The King serves as the speaker for the Kingdom. The King holds the power to declare an emergency at any time. During an emergency the King gains full control over the Kingdom.

C) Impeachment and Removal From Office

  1. Any Hylian can call for the impeachment of any officer if there is evidence of treason against the Kingdom, breaking of rules of the Kingdom or not properly fulfilling the duties of the office.
  2. The call for impeachment must be seconded by another Hylian in order to be brought before the alliance.
  3. Impeachment proceeding shall last for 48 hours after the seconding of the call for impeachment to present evidence and debate the grounds of the charges.

Article IV: Amendments Any Amendment to the Charter must be discussed for a period of 48 hours after which a period of voting will begin. In order for the Amendment to pass it must reach 3/4s of the voting membership (Hylians).


Flag of Rhythm

Flag of Rhythm

On December 22nd, 2023, Kingdom of Hyrule would rebrand to Rhythm, a smooth cats alliance centered around a common love for all things music.[2]

New Charter[]


We the people of Rhythm, in order to form a more funky union, establish harmony, ensure fresh beats, and secure the blessings of awesome music for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Charter for Rhythm.

Article One: Making Music Together[]

Rhythm is accepting potential artists from any genre! Any nation that wishes to jam with us may apply in game to Rhythm as well as on our forums. Sometimes there are circumstances that make it impossible for nations to make music with us, however. Such situations include, but are not limited to:

-Being involved in active wars

-Aiding a nation involved in active wars

-Being blacklisted by another alliance

Anyone who wishes to get down with us but is involved in one or more of these circumstances must get the OK from Big Daddy or at least 3 members of The Suits before they can join.

Article Two: Rhythm[]

Rhythm will be divided into three levels of membership.

Those who wish to make music with Rhythm will initially be given the title of Session Musician, provided their application is deemed acceptable. All Session musicians will be protected from any who seek to drop the bass on them. They have all of the rights of a full member, except for voting privileges. The Scatman will determine the process by which a Session Musician becomes an Artist.

Artists are those who have been granted full membership and make up the body of Rhythm. They are responsible for upholding their duties as outlined by The Suits. No Artist may be forcibly removed from Rhythm unless (s)he receives a fair trial, the steps to which are to be outlined and updated by Big Daddy at the start of every calendar year.

The third level of membership are The Suits. They exist to ensure that funkadelic sounds continue to be produced by Rhythm (because without The Suits, we might produce something like Rebecca Black's Friday, and no one wants that). The Suits are appointed by Big Daddy.

Article Three: The Suits and Alliance Governance[]

Section One[]

The Suits will oversee the day-to-day operations. They all serve indefinitely, unless impeached and voted out of office by the membership body. There are five members:

Big Daddy serves as the head honcho of Rhythm and has the power to remove any member or any one of The Suits from office.

Scatman is in charge of Sessions Musicians and Artists, teaching them all they need to know about making that perfect beat. Scatman's main responsibilities include recruiting potential members, solving disputes between Artists, and overseeing the School of Scat.

The Voice is responsible for sending our good vibes out to the other cool cats within this happening planet of Orbis. The main duties for The Voice are dealing with Collaborators (Collabs) from other alliances and proposing treaties.

Breadman is the go-to guy when it comes to handling the dough. Managing The Bakery (Bank) and creating guides to making more bread are the main duties of the Breadman.

The Bomb is there to make sure we're ready if someone tries to drop the bass on us, or if we ever need to drop it on them. It is the main responsibility of The Bomb to ensure that the people of Rhythm are safe. This includes managing all offensive and defensive tactics made by Rhythm, as well as any training involved in those areas.

Section Two[]

In the event that Rhythm needs to drop the bass on someone, The Bomb must officially propose it to Rhythm as a whole. After 24 hour period of discussion amongst the Artists and Suits collectively, the Suits will vote on whether or not to drop the bass. In order for the motion to pass, at least 3 of the Suits must be in favor. In the event that Big Daddy vetoes this action, the Artists may call for an overturn of the veto, in which case a 24 hour vote shall take place amongst the Artists. In order for the veto to be overturned, 3/4 (75%) of the voting Artists must vote in favor of the overturning the veto.

The method for proposing treaties works in a similar fashion, except The Voice will propose the treaty to Rhythm as a whole. The remaining process is identical.

Article Four: Impeachment and Removal From Office[]

Any Artist can call for the impeachment of anyone of The Suits or Big Daddy if there is evidence of treason against Rhythm, breaking of rules of Rhythm, or not properly fulfilling the duties of the office.

The call for impeachment must be seconded by another Artist in order to be brought before the alliance.

Impeachment proceeding shall last for 48 hours after the seconding of the call for impeachment to present evidence and debate the grounds of the charges.

In the event that Big Daddy is impeached, a new Big Daddy will be selected by the Suits and voted on by the Artists. In order for the Big Daddy to be put into office, at least half (50%) of the votes must be in favor of the proposed Big Daddy. If they are not, the Suits will propose another Big Daddy, and the process will repeat until one is selected.

Article Five: Amendments[]

If an Artist thinks our Charter just isn't groovy enough and feels that something should be added, (s)he can propose an amendment, which must pass a majority vote among other Artists. It must then pass a 2/3 vote from The Suits in order to be added to our Charter.

Signed, The Suits

Britishdude, Big Daddy

ArbiterVerus, Scatman (IA)

Nils, The Voice (FA)

Karel IV, Breadman (Finance)

Tony2456, The Bomb (Defense)


Rhythm would peak at Rank 14 with 22 members in late January 2014 and early February 2014.[3] However, they would begin gradually losing members until being left with 9 when they fell from the alliance power rankings on March 16th, 2014.[4] The cause of this decline and exact dates surrounding events such as their official disbandment are unknown at this time.
