IronClad |
Signatories |
Former Signatories |
IronClad was an MDoAP bloc signed on 26th November 2019 between The Lost Empire, The Regiment and The Red Banner. SSONA joined shortly after on the 18th December 2019. Federation of The Commerce States, formerly known as The Commerce Union, joined on the 11th January 2020. IronClad dissolved on the 25th March 2020, following the Umbrella Corporation leaving.
The participants of the bloc pledged to defend each other, regardless of the circumstances. Additionally, the bloc contains a clause which warrants an optional ability for each alliance to join the other in attacking a third party.
Former Alliances[]
Remnants of the Clover Kingdom joined shortly after the creation of the bloc, on the 3rd January 2020. Just 2 days later, on the 5th of January, the alliance disbanded after Nokia Rokia, looted the bank and left the alliance, declaring war on the remaining members.