Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki
International Trade Association (ITA)

United States Flag
Flag of International Trade Association (ITA)

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded 05/05/2018 (78 Days Old)
Headquarters North America
Color Red
Status Defunct
Leader Ares Daniel
Heir King Rampoo
As of 07/22/2018
Total Nations 11
Score 2735.09
Average Score 248.64
Alliance Rank #106 of 176 (60.22%)
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
PIAT European Union
ODP Aurora
PIAT The Dynasty
MDP Mitchell Mob

This Alliance is built upon the basic fundamentals of brotherhood, sacrifice, and Democracy. To be apart of this alliance is to be part of something bigger, it is to be part of a family, one that backs its fellow members both economically and militarily.

Was rolled by UNC, sending the alliance into a downhill spiral. The alliance was taken over by TDU for a short period, though due to heavy raiding and TDU inexperience, TDU called for a merge. Limited members actually merged.

ITA continues to hold onto it's alliance and sit outside rank 100, continuing their micro status.
