Politics and War Wiki
Ignis Aternum

Ignis Aternum Flag 2
Flag of Ignis Aternum

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers link={{{forumlink}}}
Basic Details
Founded July 25th, 2023
Color Purple
Status Defunct
Discord Server Join Here
Emperor Lossi
Total Nations 2
Score 5,468.36
Average Score 2,734.18
Alliance Rank 154th
Active Blocs
Active Treaties

Ignis Aternum (Ignis) was a Purple alliance that first formed on June 22, 2019, as a splinter of Flamestrikers. The members of the alliance would jump around various other alliances over their time in the game before eventually quitting.


The original members of Ignis Aternum joined PnW as members of Sirius in April of 2019. They moved over to Flamestrikers in May of 2019. Relations began to sour between the soon-to-be Ignis members and the government of FS over the next few weeks. On June 16th, the members of Ignis decided to leave Flamestrikers. They officially did so on June 21st.

It just so happened that the original 8 that decided to leave were all members of government (most low gov). Fireborn, who was God II at the time, was the Head of Internal Affairs, and Rajamer was the head of Econ.

Soon afterwards, Ignis struck up treaties with The Originals, The Dixie Union, Acadia and Deathly Hallows.

However, the initial version of Ignis was not to be. After minimal progress in building the alliance, Ignis' government made the decision to merge into Holy Teutonic Order in July of 2019. They would then move to Empyrea and finally to Evolution, where they would reunite with the leaders of Flamestrikers.

After a few days, the same problems that caused the Ignis members to leave Flamestrikers began to reappear and the Ignis members left for a second time. On July 19th, 2019, Ignis Aternum was reborn.

The second version of Ignis soon made treaties with Deathly Hallows and The United Armies.

In September of 2019, Si Hong attempted to force a merge by declaring war on multiple Ignis members. After a few days, peace was negotiated.

In April of 2020, after suddenly being dropped by their prot and after facing multiple mass-raids, the members of Ignis made the decision to merge into The Imperium.

In May of 2020, after disagreements with other government members of The Imperium, Ignis Aternum was reborn.

Government Members Time of Term
Emperor/Econ - Paradox (Fireborn)

Caesar/IA - Marie Antoinette (Nucleus)

July 25th, 2023 - September 27th, 2023
Emperor - Lossi

Caesar/Econ - Paradox

Caesar/IA - Marie Antoinette

September 27th, 2023 - December 17th, 2023


Mighty Micro Madness (vs KT)



MDoAP with The United Armies

MADP with Evolution

ODoAP with The United States of America

ODP with Holy Teutonic Order (The Dixie Union/Vanguard/The Regiment)

ODP with Uchiha

MDP with The Originals

Protectorate of Acadia

Protectorate of Farkistan

Protectorate of Deathly Hallows

Protectorate of The Wei

NAP with The High Table

Protectorate of Mayhem


Article I: Government Structure[]

/ Ignis Aternum is led by Lord Paradox of Solar Flare

// Ignis shall be governed by the Council of the Eternal Flame

/// All government positions are permanent, lasting until they are either impeached by the rest of government, or until they resign

//// The Council must have a minimum of three (3) standing members at all times

///// Should there be more than six (6) standing government members, a low government branch shall be created. Low government members shall be known as Centurions

////// Centurions are not considered members of the Council

/////// Legionaries (members) do not have a say in government decisions

Article II: Leadership[]

/ The Leadership is made up of three (3) members; the Emperor (Leader) and two Caesars (Heir)

// In the event that the Emperor becomes incapacitated, one of the Caesars must become the Emperor, the Advisor must become a Caesar

/// Leadership is a null position, with no real sway over the rest of high government, and only exists to set a chain of succession

Article III: Consul of Economics[]

/ All economic powers will reside in the hands of the Consul of Economics as well as Leadership

// The Consul of Economics shall be selected by the Emperor

/// The Consul of Economics may be aided by multiple Centurions, should the alliance be large enough. The Centurion shall be selected by the Consul of Economics and voted on by the Council. The vote must be 75% or more in favor to pass.

//// In the event that the Consul of Economics becomes incapacitated, they shall be replaced by either their Centurion or a new selecton made by the Emperor.

///// The Consul of Economics shall have the power to: Issue grants, perform nation audits, create/delete tax brackets, move members to different tax brackets, and draft new build guides

Article IV: Consul of Foreign Affairs[]

/ All external matters will be handled by the Consul of Foreign Affairs, as well as Leadership

// The Consul of Foreign Affairs shall be selected by the Emperor

/// The Consul of Foreign Affairs may be aided by multiple Centurions, should the alliance be large enough. The Centuriond shall be selected by the Consul of Foreign Affairs and voted on by the Council. The vote must have a 75% majority in favor to pass.

//// In the event that the Consul of Foreign Affairs becomes incapacitated, they shall either be replaced by their Centurion or a new selection made by the Emperor

///// The Consul of Foreign Affairs has the power to: Open embassies in other alliances, propose new treaties (not ratify), engage in peace talks, engage in Bloc discussions, and publicize the alliance

Article V: Consul of Internal Affairs[]

/ All matters of internal affairs shall be handled by the Consul of Internal Affairs

// The Consul of Internal Affairs shall be selected by the Emperor

/// The Consul of Internal Affairs may be aided by multiple Centurions, should the alliance be large enough. The Centurions shall be selected by the Consul of Internal Affairs and voted on by the Council. The vote must have a majority (51%+) in favor to pass.

////  In the event that the Consul of Internal Affairs becomes incapacitated, they shall either be replaced by their Centurion or a new selection made by the Emperor

///// The Consul of Internal Affairs has the power to: Interview applicants, resolve issues that arise within the alliance Discord server (particularly in the Public Chat), edit the Discord server, and make announcements within the alliance

Article VI: Military Commander[]

/ All matters of military operations shall be handled by the Commander

// The Commander shall be selected by the Emperor

/// The Commander may be aided by multiple Centurions, should the alliance be large enough. The Centurion(s) shall be selected by the Military Commander and voted on by the Council. The vote must have a majority (51%+) in favor to pass.

//// In the event that the Commander becomes incapacitated, they shall either be replaced by one of their Centurions (voted on by Leadership), or a new selection made by the Emperor

///// The Commander has the power to: Scout other alliances for potential allies or enemies, counter for unprovoked attacks upon Ignis, and assist the Consul of Economic Affairs in creating a wartime build guide

Article VII: Rules for Membership[]

/ All applicants must join the Ignis Aternum Discord Server to be accepted

// Any attack on a member of an alliance that we have a treaty with or think of as friends will not be tolerated

/// All rules posted on our Discord server must be followed at all times

//// Failure to comply with these rules will result in having rights restricted and potential removal from the alliance

///// Leaking classified information will result in immediate banning and every member in range will declare immediate war on the offender.

Article VIII: Rules for Amending[]

/ Any member of the Council may propose an amendment to this Charter

// To pass an amendment, a vote must result in an 83% vote in favor of the addition

/// All Articles may be amended

//// Amendments to the Charter are considered in effect as soon as they are ratified by the Council

Article IX: Ratification[]

/ The Charter of Ignis Aternum is hereby ratified by the following members of the Council:

Emperor, Consul of Economics and Foreign Affairs- Lord Paradox of Solar Flare

Emperor, Military Commander, Consul of Internal Affairs- Queen Marie Antoinette of the French Empire
