Politics and War Wiki
House Stark

House Stark Third Flag
Flag of House Stark

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded 8 November 2016
Headquarters North America
Color Olive
Status Active
King in the North: Darth Ataxia
Hand of the King Samani
Royal Council Archmaester: Hobbes (IA)

Three Eyed Raven: Starfuze (FA)
Master of Coin: Darth Revan (Econ)

Lord Commander: Glenn (War)
Nobility Maester: Captain Penguin (IA)

Maester: Balgruff (IA)
Maester: Shadow Chan (IA)
Maester: Kasier Cahill (IA)
Lord of Ravens: Iwboy (FA)
Lord of Coin: Dog (Econ)

As of 30 June 2024
Total Nations 49
Score 235,730.71
Average Score 4,810.83
Alliance Rank 24
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
Extension The House of the Dragon
Extension House Karstark
Extension Auwowa
MDoAP Legion of Dawn
MDoAP The Fremen
MDoAP Dark Brotherhood
ODoAP The Commonwealth (2nd)
Protectorate The Remnant
Protectorate Empire of the Romans (2nd)

House-Stark (HS) is an olive team alliance founded on 8 November 2016. It is the second alliance to exist under the banner of House Stark but is unrelated to the first one.

Official Alliance Description[]

Seated in Winterfell, House Stark is the principle house of the northern lands of Westeros. House Stark ruled as Kings in the North for thousands of years before the Targaryens came to power and conquered the Seven Kingdoms. The Starks were then made Lords of Winterfell and Wardens of the North. Our motto is “Winter Is Coming,” and our coat of arms is a gray direwolf on a white background. House Stark is known for its honorable devotion to duty.



War Alliances fought Result
Empyrea War Empyrea Victory
Arrgh-Spectrum Wars House Stark(as part of Spectrum) vs Arrgh White Peace
Red Wedding House Stark and allies vs Arrgh White Peace
Ayyslamic Crusade House Stark(as part of the non-IQ coalition) vs NPO and Horsemen White Peace
Knightfall House Stark (as part of the SyndIQ coalition) vs The Commonwealth Victory.
NPO's Last Time House Stark vs Guardian White peace (early withdrawal)
NPO's Last Time House Stark vs Opus Dei, The Covenant and allies. Victory
Duck Hunt House Stark vs The Swamp, The Hedge Money Accords, Ellipsis, The Covenant, Rose-Cam Sphere, and allies Defeat
The Last Ride House Stark vs The Swamp, Ellipsis, and Allies vs The Coal Mines Victory
KECC Reunion Party House Stark vs Knights Templar White Peace
Brawlywood House Stark vs Hollywood + Allies Victory
The Hunt for the Holy Grail House Stark vs Camelot Victory
Clock and Ball Torture (Armenia's Revenge) House Stark vs MysOasis (Mystery Inc & Oasis) and allies Military Victory

Alliance Advertisements[]

In-game advertisements used by the alliance for recruitment, propaganda or other purposes:

Related Links[]

