Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki

The Knights Radiant
The Knights Radiant Flag
Grumpy Old Bastards
Grumpy Old Bastards Flag
Guardian Flag
Black Knights
BK new flag
Oblivion Second Flag
The Immortals
The Immortals Flag
Name Withheld
The Syndicate
The Syndicate Flag
Eternal Empire of Rose
Advanced Syndicalist Mechanics
ASM Flag
House Stark
House Stark Third Flag
The Dead Rabbits
Dead Rabbits flag
Hogwarts Flag 2022

Treaty Type: MDP
Treaty Signed: May 25, 2022
Treaty Terminated: June 18, 2022
Treaty Status: Defunct

Hollestial, also known as TKRo$e or Ro$ewood, was a multi-bloc MDP treaty signed between the members of Hollywood and Celestial. The treaty was signed as a response to Vein Has A Smoll PP War as a precaution in case Clock started another war right after that one ended as they did with Rick's Last Roll.

The terms of the treaty were that both parties shall demilitarise and defend the other against attacks from other spheres until both Clock and The Back Room had ended Vein Has A Smoll PP War and returned to a peace time MMR.

The treaty officially disbanded on June 18th, when both Clock and The Back Room had returned to a peace time MMR, with an announcement from both spheres.


This treaty was largely controversial due to combining the two largest blocs including the three largest alliances (Rose, TKR, t$) which brought people to the conclusion of a hegemony. The treaty also sparked comparisons to the MysOasis treaty six months earlier which had been the cause of Armenia's Revenge. Similarly to MysOasis, both Battle of Los Angeles and The Knights Radiation were declared against TKR and their allies. However, both wars were smaller in scale and no where near the level of a global war.




