Politics and War Wiki
Politics and War Wiki


This alliance has disbanded as of April 4, 2018.


Hogwarts Flag
Flag of Hogwarts

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded 09/24/2016
Headquarters Europe
Color Aqua
Status Defunct
Headmistress Helga Hufflepuff
President of Gringott's Bank Rowena Ravenclaw
Captain of the Auror Department BAMF
Muggle Liaison Office Director Partisan
As of 22 February, 2017
Total Nations 21
Score 67000+
Average Score 3200+
Alliance Rank 18
Active Blocs
Active Treaties

Hogwarts was an aqua alliance on the continent of Europe. During its existence, the alliance rebranded several times and was also known by names such as SynderKut or Terminal Jest. After The Parti Rep Conflict, the alliance returned to its original name and was abandoned by all of its members except for one. On April 4, 2018 the alliance was officially disbanded.
