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Politics and War Wiki


This alliance was annexed into Ragnarok on May 27, 2017.  More information is available here.

Germanische Imperiale Ordnung

Germanische Imperiale Ordnung Flag
Flag of Germanische Imperiale Ordnung

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers link={{{forumlink}}}
Basic Details
Founded May 23, 2017
Headquarters Europe
Color Red
Status Defunct
Kaiser Commissar Justin
Kanzler Nord
Heimsekretärin Unoccupied
Außenminister Alexander Carvajal
As of May 23, 2017
Total Nations 12
Score 4,877.61
Average Score 406.47
Alliance Rank 57
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
Protectorate Treaty Imperial British Commonwealth
Mutual Defense Pact The Royal Dragons

Germanische Imperiale Ordnung (GIO, or German Imperial Order) is a fascist red team alliance, founded on May 23rd, 2017 by Commissar Justin of The Bloc Death, and Nord of Knights Templar.


Germanische Imperiale Ordnung was founded on May 23rd, 2017 as a fascist alliance, protected by Imperial British Commonwealth, with an Mutual Defense Pact with The Royal Dragons. On May 24th, 2017, in less than 24 hours of their existence, Germanische Imperiale Ordnung declared war on Vault 111 starting a conflict known as Operation Blackout. A week later they disbanded and merged into Ragnarok.


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