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This alliance merged with Vox Populi to form Masonia on April 28, 2016.

Galactic Empire

Galactic Empire 2nd Flag
Flag of Galactic Empire

Alliancepage Alliancemap Alliancemembers Forumlink
Basic Details
Founded April 11, 2017
Headquarters Europe
Color Red
Status Merged
Emperor: Orson Krennic
Imperial Council:
  • Josip Broz Tito
  • Black knight of ages
  • Flavius
  • Epimetheus
Total Nations 16
Score 12,541.71
Average Score 783.86
Alliance Rank 49
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
Protector: Cobra Kai Dojo
MDP Vox Populi

The Galactic Empire (GE) was a red team alliance founded on April 11, 2017. It was originally created as the Socialist International (2nd) but rebranded to the Galactic Empire on April 11, 2017 as the Socialist International Council voted for the change with the reasoning that the leftist theme would hold back progress. With the re-branding their protectorate with Polaris was dropped and they were removed from a communist bloc created alongside Global Communist Bloc, International Revolution, and USRGC but maintained their protectorate with the Cobra Kai Dojo and their Mutual Defense Pact with Vox Populi. On April 28, 2017 a majority of the alliance merged with their treaty partner Vox Populi to form Masonia.

External Links[]
