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Politics and War Wiki


This alliance has disbanded as of 7/19/2019. (Note: Commerce Union disbanded during the course of NPO's Last Time after a coup by its Premier, Jack Shore.)

Commerce Union

Commerce Union Flag
Flag of Commerce Union

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Basic Details
Founded December 18th, 2018
Color Maroon
Status Disbanded
Discord Server Join Here
Chancellor Dabigbluewhale
Premier Jack Shore
Ministry of Foreign Affairs VACANT
Ministry of Economic Affairs Kru
Ministry of Military Affairs Compton
Ministry of Internal Affairs Jarrett
Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs VACANT
Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Mark Grace
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs JetSeth
As of July 7, 2019
Total Nations 53
Score 79,760.87
Average Score 2128.21
Alliance Rank 31
Active Blocs
Active Treaties
MDP Camelot
MDoAP Kazoku
PIAT Code of Honour
PIAT The Hanseatic League

The Commerce Union was an alliance on the maroon sphere, founded in P&W on December 18th 2018 by Elias Blackthorn and Dabigbluewhale as a successor to the PT alliance of the same name, also founded by Elias Blackthorn in 2014. The Commerce Union (CU) at its peak, reached alliance rank #31.

The "Union" prided itself on the quick growth of its members and various economic interests.

NPO's Last Time & Disbandment[]

The Commerce Union initially joined NPO's Last Time on behalf of long-time MDoAP-partner Camelot. The initial scope of the Commerce Union's involvement would be to provide counter support to Camelot's badly out-numbered mid-tiers during the initial blitz.

During the first few weeks, the Commerce Union maintained as the only Coalition B alliance with net positive damage (eventually followed by Mystic).

During the course of the war, co-founder and Chancellor Elias Blackthorn stepped down into an adviser position due to real-life issues and passed the torch to co-founder Dabigbluewhale. Jack Shore, the Head of MilCom assumed the position of Premier.

Various other members of the August Body either stepped down prior to or after Elias's departure (including long-time Internal Affairs Minister Tobiash and Econ Minister Azel, leaving a slew of freshman ministers to assume command.

Tensions grew high during the course of the war between some members of the government and some allies within Coalition B. These tensions were chiefly over being left out of much of the military planning and some members, largely lead by Jack Shore, felt Coalition B was only using the alliance as meat shields with zero intention of providing any sort of support during or post war. Tensions eventually completely boiled over between the Union and Coalition B leadership after an insider within Coalition B allegedly notified Jack Shore that Coalition B planned to roll the Commerce Union after the war was over, and Jack Shore (siding hard against Coalition B) couped the alliance and ousted the Coalition B supporters and eventually the entire membership.

Following the coup, leadership opted to split into separate directions and not attempt to rebuild the Union.

As of 2020, a new alliance called the Federation of Commerce States rose as a spiritual successor to the Commerce Union with some of the same leadership and membership.


The Commerce Union was managed by the Council, consisting of the Chancellor & Premier and the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs, Military Affairs and Internal Affairs in accordance with the Commerce Union Charter.

With the Departure of Elias Blackthorn (Chancellor), Tobiash (Minister of Internal Affairs), and Azel (Minister of Economic Affairs); the last Council consisted of:

  • Chancellor: Dabigbluewhale (Former Premier/Former FA Minister)
  • Premier: Jack Shore (Former MilCom Minister)
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs: Vacant
  • Minister of Economic Affairs: Kru
  • Minister of Military Affairs: Compton (Former Deputy MilCom Minister)
  • Minister of Internal Affairs: Jarrett (Former Deputy IA Minister)

The Council was assisted by its various Deputy Ministers, who perform various duties as assigned by their respective Ministers. The last roster of Deputy Ministers consisted of:

  • Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs: Mark Grace
  • Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs: JetSeth


Last Active []

