Borgs Assisted Loot Liberation Service (BALLS)[]
BALLS was a pirate alliance created on September 12 by Abaddon, Borg and a few friends, mostly hailing from Paradise and Cataclysm. The alliance lasted until December 8, with the majority of the remaining members merging into Paradise.
The idea behind BALLS' name and flag was thought of by Gerry Oldsworth III and the alliance was initially founded on September 12. 2022. BALLS’ size shifted and changed throughout its existence, at some points being as small as 5 members, and at its peak reaching 15+ concurrent raiders.
In September, the alliance started out with a light skirmish against Seven Kingdoms and The Knights Radiant and quickly chained into The Federation, starting a small week-long conflict with The Federation taking heavy damage. During this conflict on September 24, they would get hit by Arrgh, beginning the SomaliArrgh Hostage Crisis. This conflict lasted until October 24 and resulted in BALLS being defeated by the much larger pirate alliance.
A lot of things happened for BALLS in October. They began the month by mass-raiding Farkistan. After the raids were completed, The Commonwealth attacked BALLS claiming Farkistan was their protectorate even though they had no direct tie. Surprisingly, BALLS managed to beat The Commonwealth's counters and resumed raiding both alliances. Needing an excuse to militarize for their upcoming offensive, Aurora attacked BALLS in defense of their ally and in turn, the conflict ended with a white peace.
Right after signing the peace, BALLS continued their raids against many micro alliances in search of profits, first hitting United Commerce Republic, quickly moving onto their ally The Grand Federation and subsequently raiding their protector, The Elites.
After the Midgard v Withheld global war kicked off, BALLS hit World Task Force and Crusaders of the Holy Boogaloo, managing to loot Boogaloo offshore. Afterwards, BALLS hit Mom’s Friendly Robot Company and got countered by Polaris even though there was no direct tie between the two alliances. BALLS withdrew from the conflict and signed peace with both parties. Notably, MFRC's insults towards BALLS resulted in them seeking employment from Camelot members, which ghosted into the pirate alliance and declared war on Polaris, Mom's Friendly Robot Company, World Task Force and Crusaders of the Holy Boogaloo. The conflict lasted about a month, ending in a victory for BALLS on December 8 with the defending party taking the majority of the damage.
On the day the peace was signed, BALLS officially disbanded, with the Camelot members that ghosted returning to their alliance and the raiding core merging into Paradise.