Politics and War Wiki


In a war, when seeing the results of attack types, there are four results for ground, air and naval operations. These consist of, in order of success: Immense Triumphs, Moderate Successes, Pyrrhic Victories and Utter Failures.

The results of a particular battle are determined by the number of Rolls won against your opponent. The table below outlines the Rolls won required for each result.

Rolls Won 3/3 2/3 1/3 0/3
Victory Type Immense Triumph Moderate Victory Pyrrhic Victory Utter Failure

The battle result, as well as the attack type, determine how much resistance the opponent loses. Utter Failure results in 0 resistance lost regardless of attack type whereas a victory eliminate resistance per the chart below.

Victory types and resistance

Immense Triumph[]

An Immense Triumph occurs when you win 3 out of 3 Rolls in a given battle. This type of victory will give you an advantage against your opponent: Ground Control in a Ground Battle, Air Superiority in an Airstrike, or Blockade in a Naval Battle. Additionally, an Immense Triumph will remove the respective advantage the defending nation had in their other wars.

Moderate & Pyrrhic Victory[]

A Moderate Victory occurs when you win 2 out of 3 Rolls in a given battle and a Pyrrhic Victory occurs when you win 1 out of 3 Rolls in a given battle. There is nothing special that distinguishes the two; however, resistance and units lost differs for the two. Both of these victories will remove the respective advantage the defending nation may have had against you, but will not give you an advantage nor will it remove their advantage in other wars.

Utter Failure[]

An Utter Failure occurs when you win 0 out of 3 Rolls in a given battle. Nothing about the state of the war changes when this result occurs except for units lost and the attacker expending Military Action Points (MAPs).
