Class Library Starter Kit[]
A FOSS class library for accessing most of the APIs can be found here.
using RestSharp; namespace PoliticsAndWarAPIExamples { public class CityAPI { private IRestClient _client; public CityAPI() { _client = new RestClient(@""); } public City GetCity(string cityId) { var request = new RestRequest($"/city/id={cityId}"); request.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentType = "application/json"; }; IRestResponse<City> response = _client.Execute<City>(request); return response.Data; } } public class City { public bool success { get; set; } public string cityid { get; set; } public string url { get; set; } public string nationid { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string nation { get; set; } public string leader { get; set; } public string continent { get; set; } public string founded { get; set; } public int age { get; set; } public string powered { get; set; } public string infrastructure { get; set; } public string land { get; set; } public double population { get; set; } public double popdensity { get; set; } public int crime { get; set; } public double disease { get; set; } public int commerce { get; set; } public double avgincome { get; set; } public int pollution { get; set; } public int nuclearpollution { get; set; } public int basepop { get; set; } public double basepopdensity { get; set; } public double minimumwage { get; set; } public double poplostdisease { get; set; } public int poplostcrime { get; set; } public string imp_coalpower { get; set; } public string imp_oilpower { get; set; } public string imp_nuclearpower { get; set; } public string imp_windpower { get; set; } public string imp_coalmine { get; set; } public string imp_oilwell { get; set; } public string imp_ironmine { get; set; } public string imp_bauxitemine { get; set; } public string imp_leadmine { get; set; } public string imp_uramine { get; set; } public string imp_farm { get; set; } public string imp_gasrefinery { get; set; } public string imp_steelmill { get; set; } public string imp_aluminumrefinery { get; set; } public string imp_munitionsfactory { get; set; } public string imp_policestation { get; set; } public string imp_hospital { get; set; } public string imp_recyclingcenter { get; set; } public string imp_subway { get; set; } public string imp_supermarket { get; set; } public string imp_bank { get; set; } public string imp_mall { get; set; } public string imp_stadium { get; set; } public string imp_barracks { get; set; } public string imp_factory { get; set; } public string imp_hangar { get; set; } public string imp_drydock { get; set; } } }
using RestSharp; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace PoliticsAndWarAPIExamples { public class NationAPI { private IRestClient _client; public NationAPI() { _client = new RestClient(@""); } public Nation GetNation(int id) { var request = new RestRequest($"/nation/id={id}"); request.OnBeforeDeserialization = resp => { resp.ContentType = "application/json"; }; IRestResponse<Nation> response = _client.Execute<Nation>(request); return response.Data; } } public class Nation { public List<string> cityids { get; set; } public int cityprojecttimerturns { get; set; } public bool success { get; set; } public string nationid { get; set; } public string name { get; set; } public string prename { get; set; } public string continent { get; set; } public string socialpolicy { get; set; } public string color { get; set; } public int minutessinceactive { get; set; } public string uniqueid { get; set; } public string government { get; set; } public string domestic_policy { get; set; } public string war_policy { get; set; } public string founded { get; set; } public int daysold { get; set; } public string alliance { get; set; } public string allianceposition { get; set; } public string allianceid { get; set; } public string flagurl { get; set; } public string leadername { get; set; } public string title { get; set; } public string ecopolicy { get; set; } public string approvalrating { get; set; } public string nationrank { get; set; } public string nationrankstrings { get; set; } public int nrtotal { get; set; } public int cities { get; set; } public string latitude { get; set; } public string longitude { get; set; } public string score { get; set; } public string population { get; set; } public string gdp { get; set; } public int totalinfrastructure { get; set; } public int landarea { get; set; } public string soldiers { get; set; } public string soldiercasualties { get; set; } public string soldierskilled { get; set; } public string tanks { get; set; } public string tankcasualties { get; set; } public string tankskilled { get; set; } public string aircraft { get; set; } public string aircraftcasualties { get; set; } public string aircraftkilled { get; set; } public string ships { get; set; } public string shipcasualties { get; set; } public string shipskilled { get; set; } public string missiles { get; set; } public string missilelaunched { get; set; } public string missileseaten { get; set; } public string nukes { get; set; } public string nukeslaunched { get; set; } public string nukeseaten { get; set; } public string infdesttot { get; set; } public string infraLost { get; set; } public string moneyLooted { get; set; } public string ironworks { get; set; } public string bauxiteworks { get; set; } public string armsstockpile { get; set; } public string emgasreserve { get; set; } public string massirrigation { get; set; } public string inttradecenter { get; set; } public string missilelpad { get; set; } public string nuclearresfac { get; set; } public string irondome { get; set; } public string vitaldefsys { get; set; } public string intagncy { get; set; } public string uraniumenrich { get; set; } public string propbureau { get; set; } public string cenciveng { get; set; } public string vmode { get; set; } public int offensivewars { get; set; } public int defensivewars { get; set; } public List<string> offensivewar_ids { get; set; } public List<string> defensivewar_ids { get; set; } public int beige_turns_left { get; set; } public double radiation_index { get; set; } public string season { get; set; } } }